"Thank you !"

I want to be the first to thank you for ordering a copy of my new Evolved Enterprise book and the special limited edition Village Visionary package.

You’ve joined the mission to change the way business is played. This is your blueprint for how the Evolved Enterprise framework can apply to your business for greater joy, impact and profits!

We’ll be shipping everything out to you shortly and you’ll be getting you links to the digital bonuses right away.

You’ve forever changed someone’s life today. With your support, we are closer to funding an entire village of micro-entrepreneurs in East Africa in partnership with Village Enterprise (http://villageenterprise.org/). Your purchase lifts one person from extreme poverty.

I’m so excited for you to dig into the material but in the meantime, I’ve got a special opportunity for you...

...A chance to join as a Evolved Enterprise CO|alition Member.

A couple quick highlights:

  • Members can grow their business by being featured in USA Today and even have a PR team working for you for additional media exposure.
  • Members can accelerate their business with access to new advanced step-by-step material and exclusive ‘swipe file’ libraries. Plus the added benefit of becoming an accredited Evolved Enterprise and connecting with new potential partners and joint ventures.

If you’re interested in learning more about this special one-time invitation - keep reading below for the full details.

No, thanks. I’m not interested in learning more about this Coalition.
I will not see this one-time opportunity again.

I Want to Personally Offer You
a One-Time Discount on our
Flagship COalition Membership

From Yanik Silver:

Hi again,

Tell me if this has ever happened to you:

You read a book that’s full of great ideas, and you tell yourself you’ve got to implement them as soon as possible.

But then… Something holds you back.

Whether it’s a feeling of intimidation, because there’s just so much to figure out and you’re not sure where to start…

Or it could be a lack of clarity about how to go about implementing the new ideas…


Or you might just feel unsure of yourself… insecure about being able to actually pull it off…

I get it. I’ve experienced all of those at one time or another. That’s why I want to give you as many tools as I possibly can to overcome whatever barriers you’re facing. Because my mission isn’t just to sell books… it’s to catalyze a whole movement of Evolved Entrepreneurs who are making a meaningful impact - and loving every minute of it.

That’s what the Evolved Enterprise Catalyst COalition is all about…

We’ve brought together a community of like-minded entrepreneurs who are dedicated to helping each other succeed and creating win-win relationships that add value to everyone involved.

The idea is to COcreate, COnnect, and COamplify our way to accelerated growth, greater impact and higher profits. In order to facilitate your success in every way possible, we’ll…


  • Guide you through a proven, systematic process for planning your Evolved Enterprise - so you don’t have to figure it out on your own through trial-and-error.
  • Let you see the Evolved Enterprise principles being implemented in real-time with real-life businesses - so you get a concrete picture of how to do it… and the confidence to actually execute.
  • Give you a comprehensive ‘swipe file’ library of templates designed specifically for marketing an Evolved Enterprise - so you can implement quickly without having to reinvent the wheel.
  • Give you access to a vast library of video content with the top experts in every aspect of business - so you can fill whatever gaps in your knowledge you need to fill to move forward.


  • Bring you into our private online mastermind of Evolved Entrepreneurs - where you can tap into the combined expertise of all the members in the network, find partnership opportunities, discuss new ideas, and learn innovative new ways of doing business.
  • Give you access to a private location to submit your questions that we’ll pass on to our network of exceptional industry leaders - so you get ‘just-in-time’ advice on whatever problem you’re dealing with right now.
  • Set up private virtual meet-ups with select experts - so you stay on top of what’s working in the market right now.
  • Send you special discounted invites to live events and gatherings - where you’ll be able to connect with fellow Evolved Entrepreneurs and find potential partners, mentors and friends.


  • Provide you with an official Accredited Evolved Enterprise™ seal that you can use to piggy-back on Evolved Enterprise’s brand… and be recognized as a business that’s out to do good, not just make profits.
  • Give you media exposure in USA Today, Conscious Company magazine and other major media - so the world will know you’re an Evolved Enterprise with a noble mission to make a difference…
  • Provide a Public Relations and Press Team that will focus on driving media stories featuring innovative and impactful members of the COalition - this is another opportunity to get major exposure for your business!
YES! Count Me In

That’s just a brief overview. When you see the full breakdown of everything you get as a member, I think you’ll agree that it’s an unrivaled set of resources.

But this is a lot more than just the concrete tools. It’s a community first and foremost, and it’s filled with supportive, enthusiastic entrepreneurs who give each other help and encouragement when it’s needed.

That’s a very important thing to have for people who have big, audacious goals. Without a supportive community behind us to push us forward through difficult times, success is 10x harder.

We’ll come back to that later…

First, you are already getting fantastic content with the Fast Track program. You could take this information alone and create massive impact and profits for yourself and your company.

But for our COalition Members, we go even further...


Watch Us Completely Rework
Real-Life Businesses LIVE
Right Before Your Eyes

Sometimes it’s not enough to read a description of how to do something. Sometimes you just need to see it done right in front of you - and then it “clicks”.

Seeing a concrete example of the Evolved Enterprise concepts being applied in the real world can give you a lot more clarity and confidence that YOU can do it too.

That’s why I let everyone in the COalition eavesdrop when I’m coaching another member through transforming their business.
Every month you’ll be able to watch my Business Model

Brainstorming sessions with real COalition members and their businesses.

You’ll get to see us brainstorm exactly how to re-invent a business to deliver a meaningful impact and greater profits using the Evolved Enterprise concepts.



On top of that, you’ll see the exact process I use with my coaching clients to come up with a plan of action for their business. This is the very processes you’ll learn in the Advanced Implementation Course - and we’ll give you a live demonstration of it in action!

If you’re unsure of whether you’re doing it right… or just need the confidence boost of seeing someone else go through the process successfully… seeing these brainstorming sessions can show you what’s possible, push you to a higher level of motivation, and give you some great ideas to try in your own business.

Of course, you’ll also be able to apply to get coached by me (at no extra cost). But only if you agree to let your fellow COalition members eavesdrop in on us…

Even if you’re not selected you’ll get a lot of valuable insights and actionable ideas from watching these Business Model Brainstorming sessions - not to mention the inspiration of seeing that the Evolved Enterprise concepts really do work in the real world!

Here are some examples of brainstorming sessions I’ve done in the past…

Working with Maverick NEXT member, Anthony Balduzzi, we developed a key cause that truly made sense around his life story. Anthony was already doing well with his health & fitness information publishing business but was in the midst of a serious rebranding initiative. He had put a lot of thought into both our updated website design and revamped brand messaging to specifically niche down to helping men over 40 lose weight and regain their energy – but I didn’t think that was enough.

Here’s how Anthony remembers our work together:

"Our big aim with the rebranding was to empower our information publishing business model to have a far greater social impact than simply selling eBooks and weight loss courses online. Within the first 10 minutes of the call, Yanik adeptly assessed the strong, unexploited niche that our rebranded business could become a market leader in: helping fathers over 40 lose weight and regain their vibrant health.

With our more focused audience in place, Yanik then helped us construct a new product offering (weight loss challenge for charity) that would help increase our revenue, improve our customer experience, and enable our brand to have the social impact we wanted with our rebrand with 10x the potential brand impact.”

It all started with Anthony’s story that I helped dig out to make a more meaningful connection to his cause. Together, we came up with the concept for ‘Fit Father Project’ and it’s full steam ahead for him. Tragically Anthony’s father died from brain cancer just before his 10th birthday and that created a burning desire to help that’s never gone away. He says it on his site:

I promised Dad that no fathers would ever have to go through his pain and lack of health. Not on my watch. And I set out on a 10 year mission to figure out exactly how men get (and stay) healthy for life. I know it's what Dad would have wanted.

We worked on matching up this compelling story with a cause that would matter and really fit here. Going back to the time he was a kid, he picked Camp Kesem as their cause because they put kids into summer camp whose parents are battling cancer. He has a real innovative model we developed to make a difference:

We donate a baseline 10% of all our profits to Camp Kesem. For every pound you lose on any of our programs, we donate an additional $1 directly to a Camp Kesem attendee fund.

Another Maverick NEXT’er I worked with was putting together a line of clothing in a very particular marketplace. (I’ll keep the details a little vague since I don’t want to give everything away as he is still in the process of implementing these ideas.) Now the marketplace has some already well-defined community values in place and we created a well-defined cause partner for each of the core community values that customers could choose. We also spent a lot of time talking about identity and community. After the session here’s what he reported:

“I felt like applying Evolved Enterprise to our business takes it a step up, from being a basic transactional retailer, to the next level of being an entity bigger than just itself, with more purpose. Evolved Enterprise is a different type of thinking that helps focus on delivering value.”

Doing this type of brainstorming is absolutely essential for taking your business to another level beyond a one-dimensional, transactional company.

I’d normally charge $1,000/hour or $10,000/day for one-on-one consulting… but since I rarely do private consulting these days, this is one of the only ways to get my direct help.




Fill In the Gaps In Your Business
Knowledge On-Demand with Our
Maverick MBA Training Library

There are too many different facets of business for any one person to master them all in one lifetime…

Sales & marketing, product design, operations & management, hiring, getting funding, customer service… the list of things you could learn about business goes on forever…

…obviously you won’t need to do it all yourself. That would be impossible.

But wouldn’t it be great to know that IF you do need to learn about any particular aspect… you could access top-notch education from leading experts in that area - in just a few clicks?

That’s exactly what you get with the Maverick MBA training library you’ll get access to as a COalition member.

Fact is - you never know what you don’t know until you really need it. Maverick MBA provides you the ‘just-in-time’ on-demand training you need… exactly when you need it.

We’ve organized it so that no matter what situation you find yourself in, you can easily find the training you’re looking for.


Maverick MBA Includes Training in
Every One of the Following Categories:

Your Maverick MBA teachers aren’t the usual speakers you see at the big conferences regurgitating second-hand info. Nor are they ivory tower academics who know everything that’s been written in textbooks - and nothing about the real world…

Your Maverick MBA “professors” are real-world entrepreneurs who are in the trenches (just like you and me) each and everyday.

They’re ‘regular’ people who’re busy building great businesses behind the scenes… not pushing themselves into the spotlight and being written about in business magazines or in books.

Here’s a Small Sampling of the “Underground”
Maverick Mentors Ready to Spill Their Secrets:

Maverick MBA doesn’t have to be only for you - it’s a resource that can help your whole team. Each team member can use Maverick MBA to get educated on the areas they’re responsible for.

Imagine having your entire team using cutting-edge techniques throughout every function of your business… and you can see how powerful this can be.

But what if you have a new idea or problem that’s totally unique to your business - and you need someone to give you personalized advice?

That’s where the community comes in…


Tap Into the Brightest Minds
in a Wide Variety of Industries
Through the Private Evolved
Enterprise Mastermind Community

We didn’t just want to create a collection of static courses that - by their nature - can’t adapt to your unique needs (although the courses we’ve put together are extremely high-quality and comprehensive.)

We also wanted to offer real, two-way, human-to-human communication to help address your own unique situation and challenges.

The combined expertise of everyone in our network is far greater than any one individual could ever learn in a lifetime… and we’ll give you several ways to tap into that vast reservoir of knowledge.

First, you'll get an exclusive invitation to the Evolved Enterprise Mastermind - a private Facebook group where you can connect with not only your fellow COalition members, but also with the Maverick MBA mentors and experts.

This is where our community members get together to share advice, resources, connections, critiques and ideas - and to provide moral support and accountability. Here, you’ll be able to ASK for help and get advice specific to your particular situation.

Now, understand that this is not a place for moochers or blatant promoters. This is a place to exchange value for value, and you’re expected to give as well as take.

If you’re not willing to contribute what you can, then this group is not for you. We’ll promptly remove anyone who is only one-sided anyway, so don’t bother joining.

Here's what you can expect as a member:

  • Find accountability partners, mentors and potential partnerships with other ambitious, like-minded entrepreneurs who are also in the growth stage of their business.
  • On Demand Expert Advice - Get fast feedback, tips and answers to your most urgent business, marketing and growth challenges… from some of the biggest business growth experts, celebrity marketers and industry titans.
  • Spark new business connections and strategic partnerships. (With a far-reaching community like ours, you'll have a global network ready-made for you to tap into - without having to build it yourself.)

Here’s the second way you can tap into the collective intelligence of this remarkable group…


Get Your Urgent Questions
Answered by Industry Titans
Through Our Maverick Q&A

You have a question. You want to make sure it gets into the hands of the best expert for that particular topic. Only, you’re not sure who that is…

With such a big network, you won’t necessarily know all the strengths and experience of every member.

That’s why we have a system for routing your question straight to the right people with the right expertise…

As a COalition member, you’ll have access to a private location to submit your individual and unique question.

Then we’ll pass it on to whoever’s the best fit for the question within our Maverick network of exceptional industry leaders.

The reason our Maverick mentors are willing to invest their precious time answering these questions is because it’ll be added to our ever-expanding collection of educational resources - so everyone else in the community will also be able to learn from your question and answer.

Here’s yet another way you can get your questions answered…



Attend Private Virtual Meet-Ups
with New Experts Every Month

Aside from the Maverick mentors, I’d also like to introduce you to my own personal network of insider connections of ‘underground’ entrepreneurs.

You won’t find them at big conferences or being written about in business magazines or in books… These innovators are quietly dominating their industries behind the scenes by re-thinking the standard business models.

Each month, I’ll invite one or more select experts to a private virtual meet-up with COalition members. I'll take the lead on the interview, but you'll also be given a chance to ask questions whenever possible.

These expert meet-ups will help you stay on top of new innovations that are working in the market right now.

If you can’t catch one of the meet-ups live, don’t worry. The recordings will all be available for COalition members to watch whenever you want.

Aside from all these ways to connect with experts, mentors and peers online… we also want to give you plenty of opportunities to connect in-person…


Meet Partners, Mentors and
Friends Face-To-Face at Live
Events and Gatherings

No matter how far our internet technologies have come, there’s nothing quite like connecting with people face-to-face in the real world.

It’s a more real, more intimate level of communication. That’s why we put on several live events every year… to bring together our members and spark connections, idea sharing, partnerships and friendships.

Now, so far everything we’ve covered is included in the Evolved Enterprise Catalyst COalition membership with no extra charge. But live events are costly things, requiring ticket prices several thousand dollars… so it just wouldn’t be possible to give that to our members for free.

However, we CAN give you huge discounts on these events. Whenever we put on an event, we’ll send you an exclusive discounted invitation that will save you over $1,000+ on the ticket price.

We put on all kinds of radically different events, including:

  • Intimate Evolved Enterprise Masterminds and private workshops.
  • Invite-only Maverick experiences ranging from high-flying adrenaline adventures, epic experiences around the world, or impact trips to make a difference.
  • Private 'closed door' sessions with celebrity icons such as Tim Ferriss, Tony Hsieh, or Russell Simmons.
  • Retreats with high-achieving entrepreneurs on Sir Richard Branson’s private island!

Here’s one of the most exciting events you’ll get a special discount for…

Camp Maverick

Imagine Heading To Sleep Away Camp With A Group Of Exceptional Entrepreneurs To Learn, Connect, and Play Together…

…and you’ll have a pretty good idea of what Camp Maverick is all about.

The big idea is to totally take over a full blown 300-acre summer camp in the beautiful Berkshire mountains in Connecticut - for an experience that’s the complete opposite of the stuffy, sterile business conferences almost everyone else puts on.

Being at Camp Maverick is like being in a choose-your-own-adventure story. You’ll get to choose what adventures to have, what topics to learn about, and how much to disconnect from the outside world.

Your ‘Camp counselors’ are founders who have grown some of the world's fastest growing companies or those that are simply the ‘best-of-the-best’ experts in their fields. They’ll be leading interactive workshops where you actually get to participate… rather than just listening passively to speeches all day.

This is a very small and intimate gathering with very limited space. In order to create the most extraordinary experience possible, we hand-select only the most remarkable people who are doing something truly innovative with their business, care about making a difference and don’t take themselves too seriously.

Previous campers include such extraordinary high-achieving entrepreneurs as:

  • An 8-figure natural supplement company founder.
  • A $70MM land development company CEO.
  • 3-time INC5000 company generating multiple 7-figures running social sports leagues.
  • One of Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential List.
  • Podcaster with 1.1M listeners per month.
  • 1 of only 3 people to have 3 NY Times Best Sellers on the list at the same time (3 million copies in print of his books and movie adaptation).

If you want to rub shoulders with giants, and make connections that could lead to highly profitable partnerships or lifelong friendships… this is the perfect place to do it.

And it’s a TON of fun, as you can see in the video below (although even that doesn’t quite do it justice):

Aside from all the opportunities to connect with and learn from the exceptional entrepreneurs in our network… we’ve also come up with other ways our members can use the network effect to amplify each other’s results…


Piggy-Back on the Evolved
Enterprise Brand With This
Official Accreditation Seal

Companies that stand for something and seek to do good have a huge competitive advantage in the market. That’s one of the core ideas of Evolved Enterprise.

But in order for the market to give you credit for your benevolent intentions, you have to declare them to the world! Here’s one way you can do that…

Add this online trustmark to your site showcasing you are an Accredited Evolved Enterprise™. This identifies you as a business that has a noble mission and cares about more than just profits. That builds trust and goodwill among your customers. (In fact, badges, seals and trustmarks have been proven to increase conversion by as much as 37%.)

The more COalition members we get to use the seal… the more recognition it will have to the public… and the more value it will have as a trust-booster.

And as the Evolved Enterprise brand spreads, we’ll get more businesses joining the COalition and adding the seal to their own sites…

It’s a virtuous cycle that helps all of us, and will accelerate exponentially over time.

As I said in the beginning, I’m looking to start a movement. The seal is one way to get more exposure for the Evolved Enterprise concept and all the businesses that are applying it. But we also want to promote our COalition members in more direct ways…


Get Your Business in First-Rate
Publications Like USA Today
& Conscious Company Magazine

I’m so excited about pushing this movement forward that I decided to take out ads in first-rate publications featuring Catalyst COalition members.

We want to tell the world about what it means to do business differently and put the attention on you as an Evolved Enterprise.

Here are 2 places we’ve previously featured members:

Half-Page Ad in USA Today

This one was expensive. USA Today’s circulation is over 4 million and just a 1/3 page ad costs $63,500.

But SOCIAL PROOF is one of the key ingredients for gaining attention, authority and trust for your business. There’s no better way to do that than appearing in a major publication like USA Today.

Being able to say “As seen in USA Today” builds your brand, drives sales and helps you achieve your mission. It’s an incredibly valuable asset for positioning and marketing.

That’s why a typical pay-per-placement fee to get mentioned in a publication with a circulation of 500,000+ is a whopping $3,400.00.

Aside from USA Today, we also put COalition members on display in the highly-targeted Conscious Company magazine…

Full-Page Ad in Conscious Company Magazine

Conscious Company Magazine is the ONLY print and digital publication in the U.S that is focused solely on sustainable businesses that are doing well by doing good.

It has a nationwide circulation of 15,000 readers and is growing fast. (Readers doubled in the first year.)

A feature in Conscious Company will put your brand directly in front of a rapidly growing audience of forward thinking, influential people who are also passionate about the power of business to make a positive impact on the world...

… not to mention instantly elevate your company's image, brand, and goodwill.

Your business could be alongside such previously featured luminaries as John Mackey co-CEO of Whole Foods, Ari Weinzweig co-founder of Zingermans, Chip Conley former CEO Joie de Vivre hotels, fashion icon Eileen Fisher and many others.

“We believe that a new definition of success in business is emerging - a definition that is motivated by a growing dissatisfaction with the "status quo," an overall shift towards a values-driven economy, and one that is ultimately centered on a company’s ability to have a positive effect on society and the environment - taking all stakeholders into account - in addition to turning a profit. We want to celebrate these businesses by featuring the stories of companies that operate consciously, by providing their leaders with a megaphone to inspire other businesses to do the same, and by showing the world just how powerful business can be when used as a force for good.”


Those are two examples of the excellent sources of publicity we’ve given our COalition members, and we’ll continue to pick major media outlets to get our members exposure. But we’re not stopping there…

Public Relations and Press Team

We’ve secured a premier Press team that’ll be promoting Evolved Enterprises in loads of different media outlets.

Their mission is to drive stories in the media about Evolved Enterprises. They’ll get innovative and impactful COalition members featured in a wide range of publications.

Our press team has significant experience in print and digital media, strategic partnerships, content development and media relations.

This is a huge package of resources, and I’d understand if you don’t remember everything we’ve covered here. So let’s recap…

Membership in the Evolved
Catalyst COalition
Gives You All of This:

  • Evolved Business Blueprint Course that guides you through the process of creating your business plan - step-by-step.
  • Business Model Brainstorming - See the Evolved Enterprise principles being implemented in real businesses right in front of your face… and have a chance to be selected to be coached on camera.
  • Comprehensive Evolved Enterprise ‘Swipe File’ Library - Dramatically increase your speed of implementation with this massive collection of pre-made parts & pieces.
  • Maverick MBA Training Library - Access a vast library of training in every aspect of business… delivered by highly successful real-world entrepreneurs and industry leaders.
  • Private Evolved Enterprise Mastermind Community - Tap into the combined expertise of our network of industry titans, innovative entrepreneurs, and fellow COalition members.
  • Members-Only Q&A Submission - Get your questions answered by the most qualified experts in our network… and get ‘just-in-time’ advice on the problems you’re facing now.
  • Private Virtual Meet-Ups - Find out what new innovations are working in the market right now from ‘underground’ entrepreneurs pulled from my own personal network.
  • Discounted Invitations to Live Events and Gatherings - Connect with fellow Evolved Entrepreneurs face-to-face and spark new relationships with mentors, partners and friends.
  • Official Accredited Evolved Enterprise™ Seal - Declare your principles to the world… and instantly boost your reputation and trustworthiness in the eyes of your prospects.
  • Media Exposure in USA Today & Conscious Company Magazine - Get recognized as a business with a noble mission when your company’s name is included in our ads in USA Today & Conscious Company magazine.
  • Public Relations and Press Team - Benefit from media stories that increase public awareness of the Evolved Enterprise concept… and have a chance to get your business featured in these stories.

The Evolved Enterprise Catalyst
COalition Is The Ultimate Resource
For Evolved Entrepreneurs

And you can get everything listed above for just $2,995 and $1,000 annual subscription.

That's a lot less than I could charge if I wanted to maximize my profits in the short-term, and I'm OK with that...

You see, my #1 priority is to accomplish my mission of getting forward-looking entrepreneurs to successfully build Evolved Enterprises.

I’m more concerned about building the movement in the long run than getting higher short-term profits… because as our community of Evolved Enterprises expands, we all benefit.

So I don’t want to exclude people who have the potential to become magnificent Evolved Entrepreneurs by setting the price too high… but at the same time, I don’t want to accept members who aren’t serious, won’t actually implement, and won’t give back to the community.

YES! Count Me In

Now, COalition membership is not for everyone…

If you’re one of those people that likes to read about entrepreneurship as a hobby - without ever implementing….

Or if you’re the kind of person that isn’t willing to have your existing beliefs challenged and will reject anything that’s different from what you already “know”...

...then you don’t belong in the COalition. You probably wouldn’t get much value out of it anyway.

However, IF you’re a highly motivated entrepreneur who takes action… then by combining this with the Evolved Business Blueprint (included in your membership), you’ll see exploding results that more than justify the price of your membership - before even touching the rest of the resources.

Just to get you to try it, I’m willing to offer you…

60 Day Unconditional
No-Questions-Asked Guarantee

The guarantee is simple and straightforward. Test the Evolved Enterprise Catalyst COalition membership totally risk-free for 2 months.

If you're not absolutely thrilled for any reason (or no reason), I'll cheerfully refund your purchase - no questions asked. (And no note from Mom required.)

Agree to Evolved Enterprise COalition Pledge and Join Today

I pledge to uphold the Evolved Enterprise Catalyst COalition Code of Conduct and Creed:

  • I will be fully ethical and honest in all business dealings with customers, employees, partners, suppliers and communities.
  • I will provide transparency for how the organization delivers an impact.
  • I will consider how each stakeholder is affected by all decisions.
  • I will uphold hiring practices that promote employee diversity and empowerment.
  • I will seek to continually grow and evolve collectively and individually within the organization.
  • I commit to becoming an industry and marketplace leader.
  • I stand for something greater than simply one bottom line.
  • I commit to rewriting the rules of business so everyone wins.
YES! I’m excited to be part of the Evolved Enterprise Catalyst CO|alition. I'm Ready To Invest At The Discounted Rate Of $2995 To Be Charged Immediately.

Do you want to purchase this now?

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- Or -

Click here to join with the monthly payment plan (You'll be billed just $1144 today then 2 easy payments of $1144 per month after)

Do you want to purchase this now?

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Your card will be charged $1144 today, then $1144 per month for 2 months after.