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The High-Impact Entrepreneur


How to Tap Into Your Deepest Purpose to Unleash a Transformational Competitive Advantage..

…And Build a Following of Exuberant Fans Who Are Eager to Enthusiastically Spread Your Brand

Have you ever felt like you are destined for greatness? Not in an egotistical type of way, but simply knowing that you're meant to make a real contribution with your time here.

It usually starts with a sense of discontent or disengagement… That you aren't fully utilizing your talents, your abilities, and your resources to the highest potential…

Now, you can design your business to harness your talents, create huge social impact, and unleash massively profitable growth.

  • Discover the new approach to business that sparks fire in the hearts and minds of today’s leading entrepreneurs.
  • Tap into 11 high performing business models that will give you a permanent edge over the competition.
  • Access case studies of companies that exploded into market leaders by changing the way they think about their businesses.
  • Make your company’s mission your most powerful marketing asset!

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"Many entrepreneurs fail simply because they ‘push more water down the river’… Getting burned out chasing after the next dollar… And fighting to survive with products that look like everyone else… You have the opportunity to actually ‘change the flow of the river’… And awaken your true potential as an entrepreneur.."

-Yanik Silver, Maverick Entrepreneur & Author of Evolved Enterprise

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