“For Just $1 I’ve Got an ‘Ethical Bribe’ Waiting for You to Just Say “Maybe”...

Get ‘Just-in-Time’ Advice, Mentoring and Training From Maverick Entrepreneurs Who Have Profitably Grown Industry Leading Businesses in 91+ Different Markets

Hey it's Yanik again,

Now because you've picked up a copy of Evolved Enterprise Book, I think I know a little bit more about you…

...I know you care about making a difference with your business..

...I know you want to make a difference in the world…

...And I know you want to do business differently.

If that’s the case, I want to do as much as I can to help you scale and grow your Evolved Enterprise.


Simple. Because the faster you grow, the greater your impact you’ll ultimately make for the world.

Therefore I'd like to give you first dibs on a brand new set of real-world business training modules we’ve developed called Maverick MBA for just $1.

And as a bit of a good-natured “bribe” you’ll also get access to $20,000.00+ worth of real world maps, checklists and tools to 'swipe' and deploy immediately...

Yep you heard right. I said just one dollar.

But that buck doesn’t even go here - we’re going to add it to the total we send to Virgin Unite on your behalf.

A little over 10 years ago, my friend Dave and I were sitting in a hotel bar having a drink after a conference. Dave was telling me about a recent seminar he attended and how disappointed he was, “It was a total pitch fest! I don’t know if I even got 10 minutes of content. And the crazy thing is nearly every one of the speakers has never sold anything else online except ‘how to make money online’ products. I mean come on!...” 

Well, I had to agree with him. He was right. 

Then Dave started up again, “You know what I’d like to see?” 

“What?” I replied leaning forward in my chair. 

“I want to see real people who are making money online…just like I am. People actually doing it – not just talking about it. Dude, you got the connections. I think your customers would love this. You need to do this and I’ll even volunteer to be your first speaker.”

Hmmm…that got me thinking.

Dave was doing well online. He was making six-figures inside his first tiny little niche and also starting to do well with golfers and other niches he’s identified. He fit the part of definitely being an online success story that practically nobody had heard of.

I grabbed a pen and starting jotting down a bunch of names. In a half hour the “Underground Online Marketing Seminar®” was born.

Little did I know, that over the next 10 years, that seed of an idea would go on to become THE online marketing learning, networking, and deal making event of the year. It was even named by Forbes as one of their “Top 10 Must Attend Conferences For Entrepreneurs”.

Before Underground, every major marketing event out there were hosted by the same band of speakers peddling their wares... (usually courses teaching people how to make money online, 'by teaching people how to make money online'... I know it's a mind bender)

But Underground was different.

Underground was about finding real-world people quietly doing BIG things online...

These ‘under-the-radar’ success stories were not professional speakers or super polished presenters...

They were just regular people who had figured out how to make it online... and came to earnestly share what they knew (with all the 'um's' and 'ah's included). 😉


I've since retired the Underground brand to focus on other ventures (like the Maverick group & Evolved Enterprise) but I’ve always believed you still learn best from someone who’s actually DONE it.

So I’ve kept this same unique concept for the all-new “Maverick MBA”...

Like it’s predecessor, Maverick MBA is going to connect you with the ‘underground’ entrepreneurs and business leaders who are quietly doing something exceptional in industry or marketplace…

Except this time, it won’t just be limited to online entrepreneurs….

Maverick MBA is about finding real world entrepreneurs building great businesses. Period.

These are not the usual speakers you see at the big conferences…

And they typically haven’t been written about in business magazines or in books.

They’re not so-called business “experts” or consultants who might have run businesses in the past…or ivory tower professors with textbook theory.

Your Maverick MBA Mentors and instructors are ‘regular’ people, who are in the trenches (just like you and me) each and everyday.

Maverick members are recognized at the top of their respective industries and high impact fields from Internet pioneers to eCommerce, publishers, importers, service, financial institutions, renowned experts, real estate developers, multinational manufacturers to venture capitalists and software & app developers. The majority of members significantly leverage new technology, digital media, and mobile and online platforms.

Here’s a Sneak Peek Of the "Underground" Maverick Mentors Ready to Spill Their Secrets:


And because of my key relationships with exceptional Maverick members in 91+ industries I get to see who is making different aspects of their business work better than anything you might encounter through second-hand material. It’s going to be a bit raw sometimes and unpolished, but they’ll give it to you straight on the key concepts they’ve used to build sizeable 7, 8, and even 9 businesses on their own....

You’ve heard the saying that “Hindsight is 20/20” and that’s true but even more true is you don’t know what you don’t know until you need it. Fact is, your business will continue to grow and evolve going through multiple stages, and Maverick MBA provides you the ‘just-in-time’ on-demand training, advice and mentorship you need exactly when you need it.

Maverick MBA is divided up into these sections to cover pretty much
any situation you find yourself and your business in:

Sales and MarketingFundingProduct and DesignTechnologyOperations and ManagementBrandingHiring and RecruitingProject PlanningFinancial ConsultingCostumer EngagementStrategy and Growth HacksBusiness DevelopmentCulture and Community BuildingCustomer ServiceOnline MarketingCopywriting and Direct ResponseE-Commerce and Physical ProductsInfo Publishing

But what if you cannot find your solution inside this material?

No problem.

Maverick MBA delivers two other ways to get answers when and where you need them.

Private Maverick MBA Mastermind Community

You'll get an exclusive invitation to the Maverick MBA Mastermind --- a private Facebook group where fellow growth-oriented entrepreneurs along with experts, mentors, and coaches gather together to help each other succeed.

Maverick MBA members are some of the brightest minds in different and varied industries who will help you develop new resources, capabilities and connections.

The private group works by sharing advice, resources, tools, connections, critiques or ideas, as needed, with each other. Members have the opportunity to ASK for help to tap into the collective intelligence of this remarkable group.

With everything you get - you are also expected to give.

This is not the place for blatant ‘moochers’ or promoters. We’ll promptly remove anyone who is only one-sided.

If that bothers you, then this group is not for you and please don’t join.

Here's what you can expect as a member:

  • Connect with other ambitious, like-minded entrepreneurs who are also in the growth stage of their business (this is a fantastic place to find accountability partners, mentors and potential partnerships).
  • On Demand Expert Advice - Get fast feedback, tips and answers to your most urgent business, marketing and growth challenges (from our team and other members).
  • Get personal access to some of the biggest business growth experts, celebrity marketers and industry titans to brainstorm with, get feedback from and associate with to accelerate your growth this year.
  • Spark new business connections and form strategic partnerships (we have members from all across the globe so you'll be able to extend your network farther than you would building it by yourself).
  • Tap into a collective pool of diverse expertise, knowledge and resources from already successful, growth-oriented entrepreneurs around the world.

Maverick Mentor Q&A

Still didn’t get what you need? You’ll also have access to a private location to submit your individual and unique questions that we’ll submit to our Maverick network of exceptional industry leaders. The only catch is you’ve got to be willing to have the MBA network also learn from your question and answer.

The reason our Maverick mentors are willing to provide their hard-won advice is because it’ll be recorded and added to the collection of educational material that continues growing.

Monthly Maverick Mentor Q&A Part II

I’d like to also introduce you to my own personal network of insider connections of ‘underground’ entrepreneurs who are quietly dominating their industries and re-inventing business models.

Each month, you'll get to participate in a private virtual 'meet up' with a select expert or expert panel I invite. I'll take the lead on the interview and then you'll also be invited to ask questions when possible.

Meetups will be held via webinar or Google hangout and each session will be recorded and archived for members who can’t make the call.


Master "Business Growth" Training Library

Last but CERTAINLY not least, you’ll get immediate access to the Maverick MBA Master Library --- $20,000+ worth of high impact business training, closed door presentations and marketing swipe files designed to aggressively grow your business.

Remember, there is no 'ivory tower' theory here. No boring textbook speculation.

Every tip, every tool and every insight you find inside this master library has been proven to work in REAL business settings by real entrepreneurs in the game.

Here's an non-exhaustive list of what you get inside the library:

The Complete Underground Online Seminar Vault

The first resource you’ll find in the Master Library is Underground Online Seminar Vault --- 10 years and 150+ hours worth of business growth secrets covering virtually every aspect of marketing and online business growth including traffic, conversion, optimization, online business models, e-commerce, information marketing, product launches, mobile apps, online business strategy, exits, culture and more!

10 years ago, on the back of a bar napkin, I jotted down the idea for the Underground Online Seminar® --- A totally different kind of business conference where I’d invite all the ‘under-the-radar’ marketers and entrepreneurs quietly making a killing online to share all their best secrets on internet business growth. We captured the entire decade of the Underground®, so you (and your team) can get immediate access to all the key presentations.

Here’s just a TINY glimpse at what you’ll learn:

  • Discover how Alex Ikonn, co-founder of Luxy Hair built his 7-figure e-commerce business on Shopify leveraging online video (last time I checked, he’s generated over 1,100,000+ subscribers, 150,000,000 views and gains on average of 2000+ subscribers a day on his Youtube channel. You’ll get his secrets inside his session here).
  • The exact blogging strategy Marcus Sheridan “The Sales Lion” used to grow his local swimming pool installer company into the largest US pool installer in just a matter of years (if you’re in a service or commodity business, then you’ll want to skip right to his presentation here to learn his step-by-step strategy).
  • Extreme Optimization principles by the ‘mad scientist’ Matt Gallant himself (Matt’s built not one but several 7-figure businesses online and runs lists of over 1.5 million names across his brands… and guess what? He credits much of his success to the conversion secrets he reveals in this session).
  • Learn how to track, analyze and maximize your website’s performance from Derek Gehl (the man responsible for taking Internet Marketing Center from a $25 investment to over $100,000,000 in online sales, before selling the company to a major investor for a high 8-figure price tag!).
  • Discover how to leverage crowdfunding platforms to validate your idea and get paid before you create a new product (taught by Clay Hebert, one of the world’s leading crowdfunding experts whose helped 40 entrepreneurs raise over $4 million on popular platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo).
  • Amazing Amazon Success Secrets With Matt Clark - How to leverage Amazon’s massive marketplace (with over 200,000,000 customers) to build a 7 figure ecommerce business from scratch (or to add a physical product line to your existing business for higher profits all around).
  • How to DOUBLE sales in an ecommerce business using email (when you hear about email marketing, you normally think of someone selling info products, but Harry Gilliam will show you how he grew his seven figure business selling physical products with a unique email strategy).
  • Discover the exact 3 part system for launching a product online… even if you don’t have an existing list or product! (taught by Jeff Walker, the man behind some of the internet’s biggest launches to date with his students and clients generating well over $400 million dollars in sales online).
  • Case Study: Didn’t think million dollar launches were possible with a low-end offer? Think again! Find out how Joel Marion orchestrated the very first million dollar launch in the fitness info-marketing industry -- selling $1,400,000 worth of a $67 product in just 1 week!
  • One of the HOTTEST industries out there right now is mobile apps and it continues to grow at an exponential rate with billions at play! Discover how Chad Mureta created 46 successful apps and generated more than 35 million downloads to date --- with no previous coding experience!
  • If you know who Mindvalley is, then you’ll love this session right here… Inside Ewa Wysocka, the brains behind Mindvalley’s multi-million dollar product launches, reveals the inner workings of Mindvalley’s publishing model and how she took it to an 100% hit rate for its most recent launches.
  • How to create ‘6-Figure Monthly Membership Sites’ with Mr.X.
  • How to land a TV feature on ABC’s Shark Tank and actually get the investment! (taught by niche ecommerce expert, Stephan Aarstol, who took a $150,000 investment from Mark Cuban and turned it into Mark’s most successful investment on the show).
  • Case Studies: $100,000,000 Exits - Discover how two ‘under the radar’ technology entrepreneurs built and sold their companies from scratch for $100 million+.
  • How to build a world class culture with Tony Hsieh, CEO of billion dollar eTailer, Zappos.com.
  • ‘Silicon Valley Growth Secrets’ - What bootstrapping entrepreneurs can learn from the VC-backed industry about high velocity growth and scaling.
  • And Much Much More!

Every person who attended Underground in person paid anywhere from $1,995 - $3,495 just to walk through the door! ...(And attending all ten events live it would have set you back $20k – $30k.)

Maverick Business Insider Magazine Back Issues

From self-made millionaires, to online pioneers, to INC 500 company CEOs, to multi-national manufacturers, to heads of financial institutions and international real estate developers…Discover how the 'who's who' of successful entrepreneurs, CEOs and business icons were able to use these interviews to grow their companies, their influence, and their success and the exact steps they took to do it.

  • In Issue #1, you’ll learn how Mike G. went from working 20+ a day at a full time job to creating one of the most popular fitness websites online to date (it’s a fascinating story of how, after almost 2 years of producing zero profit, he was able to turn it all around and break through the multiple 7-figure mark).
  • In Issue #30, you’ll get the inside secrets for creating a successful physical products business from scratch with Gary Nealon.
  • In Issue #29, you’ll learn how to become a ‘Maverick’ media buyer and send an avalanche of visitors to your business with Drew ‘Clutch’ Kossoff (one of the main guys responsible for driving Eben Pagan’s “Double Your Dating” business beyond PPC and into the general advertising space).
  • In Issue #2, you’ll find out how to make an additional $100,000.00/month without the hassle of selling anything yourself with Tim Houston.
  • In Issue #26, you’ll discover “Million-Dollar Hiring Tips For Finding Superstars” from Andy Miller and Tom Schaff (the guys responsible for building out teams for virtually every Fortune 100 company).
  • In Issue #27, you’ll uncover some of the best kept SEO hacks and tricks for ranking on Google and getting free traffic to your website with Dori Friend.

Maverick Ultimate Copywriting Program

ultimate Copywriting

An A-Z Mastery Level education on copywriting, influence, and persuasion complete with fill-in-the-blank formulas, templates, and copy and paste examples you can use today to create powerful sales letters, emails, ads, landing pages, and website copy for any product or service.

You’ll get:

  • How to quickly and easily create the powerful sales letters, emails, ads, landing pages and website copy you need to attract new customers, win old customers back and increase your profits.
  • How to ‘Spy’ on your competitors offers and quickly understand exactly how they are performing.
  • Discover how to use proven ‘cash-cow’ phrases and power words to excite your customers and emotionally trigger them to buy.
  • How to accurately pinpoint the best days to email your list (ignore this and risk a 20-30% drop in conversions).
  • Where to find the ‘BIG IDEA’ behind your product guaranteed to capture and keep the attention of your prospects.
  • The best way to recycle and ‘steal’ timeless principles from classic ads that still work today.
  • Decode the formula behind an ‘irresistible offer’ so you can develop winning hooks and stories on the fly.
  • Uncover hidden ways to ‘suck’ people in and create a natural rhythm and flow so your prospects devour your copy from start-to-finish.
  • 17 Copywriting ‘go-to’ formulas - these are the time tested and ‘no-fail’ formulas for any sales piece.
  • 226 copy transitions to keep your letter flowing and your readers hooked.
  • 6 ‘Big Ideas’ for headlines (PLUS my secret list of 512 winning headline templates you can use immediately).
  • 7 foolproof ways to create urgency and compel people to take action now.
  • 47 examples of hot offers so irresistable your customers can’t wait to get their hands on.
  • 17 guaranteed openings to begin any sales copy and get your reader hooked instantly (if you’ve ever struggled to start a new sales letter, then these templates will be pure gold).
  • 7 proven copy formulas for reducing refunds.
  • 22 different guarantee examples.
  • 333 greatest selling words and phrases.
  • And much much more!

Maverick1000 Presentations

Finally, you’ll get access to select field reports, case studies, and keynotes from my high-level Maverick1000 mastermind and stay on the cutting edge of ‘what’s working now’ in terms of marketing, team building, strategy, and growth.

This is your chance to learn directly from highly successful 7, 8, and 9 figure business owners at the top of their respective industries and see exactly what’s working in their businesses right now!

Now considering my Maverick1000 members pay upwards of $18,000 per year to attend these high level closed-door conversations, you’re really getting something special here…

So Let’s Recap What You’re Getting Today:

  • Monthly "Expert" Meet-Ups
    LIVE webinars, hangouts, or Q&As with a select expert addressing your biggest growth challenges and helping you stay up to date on whats working RIGHT NOW
  • 24/7 Access to the Maverick MBA FB Mastermind
    Get your most urgent business questions answered immediately, find accountability partners, and rub shoulders with like-minded peers and industry titans
  • Master Business Growth Training Library
    Over $20,000 worth of PROVEN 'real world' business training, programs, cheat sheets, checklists, swipe files, and done-for-you marketing tools you can use to rapidly grow your business this year
  • ‘Just-in-Time’
    advice, mentoring and training from industry dominating Maverick entrepreneurs.

You get all of this --- for a full 14 days --- for just $1.

And here's the kicker:

your $1 Trial Goes To Virgin Unite To Help Causes That Need It Most

Your $1 registration fee today will go directly to Virgin Unite to solve the most pressing issues around the world from environment, to youth, to education, to health, and so on. Not only will you get a full 14 day trial to one of the best business growth programs and mastermind today, you'll also make an a direct and positive contribution to causes that need it most.

Trial Membership - Just Say “Maybe”

Now if you decide that Maverick MBA is not for you after 14 days, simply send us an email to support and we’ll cancel your subscription immediately and we won’t bill you a cent more…

However, if you decide you DO want to stay on as a member after the 14 day trial, you'll get to keep your membership for a special charter membership of just $49/month.

That’s just $1.63 cents a day (less than a cup of coffee) to assure that you have access to proven business building information, resources, and connections - when you need it.

Now considering you're getting over $20,000 worth of training and tools the instant you sign up, I'm sure you can agree that this is an absolute steal…

And that's not including the invaluable resource of a high quality online community, just-in-time advice & mentoring, the ongoing interactive expert monthly meet ups.

So when you really think about it, the true value of this program is a tiny fraction of the $49 you pay a month…

Plus you'll get to try it out for 14 day for just a measly buck…

It's really a no brainer for anyone even remotely serious about growing their business…

This One-Time $1 Offer Is Available ONLY On This Page

Because of the very lopsided nature of this deal - I can't realistically promise it will be here forever.

This $1 offer for 14 days (and $49/mo after that) is available ONLY on this page, exclusively for Evolved Enterprise customers…

After the BETA release, we will be opening up Maverick MBA to the public but not at the same deal you're getting.

So I encourage you to try it out today and get grandfathered into the charter rate should you wish to continue…

Simply click the link below and your 14 day trial will be added to your order for just $1 to charity. You’ll then receive an email with your MaverickMBA logins and welcome instructions to get started immediately.

I Want To Try Maverick MBA For 14 Days! Add My 14 Day Trial To My Order For Just $1

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Your card will be charged $1 for your first 14 days and then $49/mo thereafter

- Or -

"OK I'm totally in and I'd like to save even more, I don’t need a 14 day trial to see the value I’m getting inside Maverick MBA. I'll go ahead and sign up for an annual membership and save almost 60% off my tuition right now. Just one payment of $240 today"

Do you want to purchase this now?

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Your card will be charged $240 today


Join Now On This Page And You’ll Also Get A Complete Set Of “Done For You”
Marketing Tools And Swipe Copy Worth $300+ (FREE)

Look, I’m committed to helping you scale and scale fast. So if you decide to join Maverick MBA on this page, I’ll do one more for you…

I’ll give you access to a complete collection of premade 'Done-For-You' marketing tools and swipe files that is guaranteed to save you TONS of time and money.

Retailed by themselves, this nifty toolbox would cost you a couple hundred dollars to purchase online, but I’ll give it to you for FREE just for trying out Maverick MBA today…

Instant Salesletters 2.0

65+ professionally written, fill in the blank sales letter templates you can use to create your next sale letter or sales material even if you’re horrible at writing (just fill in the blanks and go)

Instant Marketing ToolBox

A year's collection of proven, pre-done marketing promotions to instantly skyrocket your bottom line. 90% of the hard work is already done for for you so you can start profiting right away. Each strategy is outlined in detail giving you the 'why it works’ and the exact steps to easily customize it to your business. You'll get:

  • Sales Letters
  • Powerful Offers
  • Telephone Scripts
  • Order Forms
  • Postcards
  • Flyers
  • Signage
  • And More

Absolutely everything you need to explode your profits with practically zero work on your part. It's so easy, you could just hand off each 'tool' to you staff and they take over from there.

Note: This special bonus gift is available only on this page. Once you click away, you won’t see it offered here for free again.

I Want To Try Maverick MBA For 14 Days! Add My 14 Day Trial To My Order For Just $1

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Your card will be charged $1 for your first 14 days and then $49/mo thereafter

- Or -

"OK I'm totally in and I'd like to save even more, I don’t need a 14 day trial to see the value I’m getting inside Maverick MBA. I'll go ahead and sign up for an annual membership and save almost 60% off my tuition right now. Just one payment of $240 today"

Do you want to purchase this now?

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Your card will be charged $240 today